Beauty Through My Eyes- by Jeanee Patton


“True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul” – Audrey Hepburn

At some point in our life, we all have felt inadequate for various reasons.  We are often judged, but mainly by our physical attributes.  Mainstream society has taught us that only certain looks are portrayed as beautiful.  We are often left out of these depictions leaving us feeling the pain of social rejection and possibly misplacing our anger on others.

Whether our nose or lips is too large, hips too wide, or our hair being too kinky, society says this is not the epitome of beauty.  In fact when I googled normal beauty standards, there were only pictures of European women.  Yes, they are beautiful.  However, so are so many other women who come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and hair types.

It’s liberating knowing that your beauty is not defined only by physical attributes, but also in what makes you simply you.   There are many factors that make us beautiful.   Have you ever considered how much your smile can brighten someone’s day?  How about a listening ear providing comfort and support to a friend in distress?   Or simply the power of forgiveness that sets you free too?   Forgiving yourself for the way God created you in his eyes will set you free instead of holding your beauty standards to society.

Knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made allows for your confidence to shine bright.  You have to be comfortable in your own skin.  After all beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder.   When we are confident in who we are, our light shines bright for all to see.  Who can deny the beauty that resides internally in one’s soul?

Let’s face it … we all were not born looking like {insert whose beautiful to you}.  Having a pleasing personality wrapped in a gorgeous smile captures the essence of our soul.   It allows a peek inside the window of where our beauty originates from.

Queens…. adjust your crown and rock on with your bad self!


BeautyGuest Writer:  Jeanee Patton







Photo feature Credits: Pinterest Board by Lila Robinson



  1. This is my sister in-law third article. As she become more comfortable with her inner thought it allows me toa be able to self reflect and gain my confidences

  2. Another beautiful article Queen Jeanee. You are wearing your crown well. I’m glad you have found peace and letting your light shine through. Rock on with your bad self.

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