Exclusive interview with talent teen David E. Lucas

He is an annointed young man age 17 years old at Darlington High School name David E. Lucas. He has an amazing story to share with us his first novel titled, It’s Dark But I can Still See The Light.  His novel is geared toward teen-agers in hopes to motivate and encourage them to overcome the challenges that they are faced with.  The novel will be released this Spring 2016.  Take a listen to our interview as Daivid talks about the inspiration for writing the novel, his message that he wants readers to walk away with, and some of his influences.

david lucas book cover

Excerpt from It’s Dark But I Can Still See The Light

“The word success is a word that many people use but don’t know the true meaning of. The word success means making the best of a situation or not giving up when things get rough.  When someone gets up every day with a smile on their face- even when they have a troubled home life- to go to school and goes home every night to chaos but still does their homework, that is success. Don’t forget that everyone has problems, but it is what you do with that problem that makes a world of difference,” Lucas writes in the book.

Visit his website to learn more about this young talented and annoited young man.  Support the talent of this young author who is encouraging teens thru his own testimony and walking in his purpose.

For more information about “It’s Dark But I can Still See The Light” by David E. Lucas visit www.handful.moonfruit.com