Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be done

Thy will be done is all I could say as he grabbed his clothes and flung them into his suitcase. I stood there watching him maneuver around me as he talked about falling out of love with me. It was like wind of bitter coldness that took over my very being.. I was frozen, confused, shocked, and hurt by the things that he was saying. He wanted a divorce and that was his final decision.

You see I’ve been married for 30 years. 30 years of washing his clothes, 30 years of cooking his dinner, 30 years of hearing him complain about how I hung his shirts in the closet with wired hangers……hmmm. And now he says that it’s over? My first instinct was to grab the mop and give him two lumps on his head like lumps of sugar. But then I remembered the pain and suffering that Jesus had to endure on the cross for my sins.

How he was betrade and left standing alone when the leaders and men came to get him. Just thinking about the blood of Jesus made me realize that this was God’s will being done in my life.  There I was getting upset that I would no longer be picking up his dirty socks off the floor. No longer would I have to explain why I decided to cook chicken instead of fish. The thought of me being able to come and go as I please, triggered a freedom deep down on the inside of me. Standing there with my hands on my hips I took a deep breathe and said “Thy Will Be Done.” It was accompanied by a big smile.

Sometimes in life we try to hold on to things that really weren’t meant to be anyway. Out of our desperation we try to gain weight, lose weight, dye our hair, or even try to buy someone’s affections. But God is trying to separate us from everything that’s a hindrance to our destiny. When Jesus surrendered his will to the Father’s will, it not only allowed him to fulfill his destiny, but it allowed God to get the glory.


What are you trying to hold on to? Is it hard for you to say “Thy will be done?” Think about what you will gain if you let your heavenly Father have His Way. I’m sure that you would be willing to let God have His Way.

Kimberly McAllister

Kimberly McAllister

Kimberly McAllister is a wife, mother of six children, and a grandmother of eight grandchildren. She became an Author/Life Coach in 2016. Kimberly is an App entrepreneur/owner of the game “KES Wordz,”  which is in the app store. She has written three books, “Enspired Under His Wings,” “21 Days of Hope-A New You,” and “Recipes For Beginners Like Me.” Writing has always been apart of her life since she was five years old, and she still continues to use the gift that God gave her to minister to others.




Photo Credits of Arizona:;_ylu=X3oDMTBtdXBkbHJyBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw-/RV=2/RE=1505545541/RO=11/