Victoria A. Young Indie Author spotlight feature

Victoria A. Young

Our Indie Author spotlight feature is Victoria A. Young.  Her novel is Passion Whispers an Execution: Book 1-Tease Me.  We are happy to celebrate the talented storytelling of Victoria A. Young

Victoria A. Young

Read the excerpt from Amazon:

SUSPENSE/THRILLER: Senator Ivy Flint’s search for his wife, Yashani, tosses him into a marital abyss. He is nearly as lost as she, and in an off moment, he sleeps with an older woman with multiple and depraved personalities, who happens to have escaped from jail. Just what he needs. One personality wants a spiritual connection with him; another demands he take a testosterone test believing he’ll help her reach multiple orgasms; yet another threatens him with dire machinations if he fails to impregnate her within two weeks. She’s the prosecutor, the manslayer, the undertaker, with no pity for him and his wife. Yashani, meanwhile, struggles with addiction and a mental breakdown in trying to cut her ties with the heroin syndicates that run Paris, San Francisco, New York, and Tbilisi. A frisky senator who bounces in and out of his faith; three unstable personalities in one crazy woman; and a seductive wife, who honors peppermint encounters with her husband, collide in a story of international intrigue, personal love and loss, and smoking hot sex.