We sat down with Author TJ Rose to discuss her debut novel I Should’ve Cheated which is #8 on the best-seller’s list in women fiction and romance on day one.
Tell us about your debut novel “I Should’ve Cheated”
My novel actually introduces the storyline of a young lady by the name Braelyn. For the most part, she has the picture perfect life or so she thinks. Until she meets someone that comes along and starts giving her stuff that she didn’t know she was missing. It Kind of tracks her downward spiral as she thinks with her heart instead of her head.
What inspired the title?
You know I actually didn’t choose a title until I was almost done writing. For me when I write, I don’t like to pick a title up front because to me it’s like naming your baby before you reproduce. You have no idea what you’re going to have. So, I let the storyline guide me and help me pick my title. The last couple pages of the last chapter is when it just hit me. It fit the storyline.
What’s the take away message you want your readers to receive?
Well, I think that pretty much any reader is going to be able to relate to it. Whether it’s something they have been through or something that they have seen someone else go through. The main take away that I want them to have is that life is not always what it seems like. The picture is not always what it appears to be. You really have to be careful about the people you let into your inner circle. Some people will insert themselves in your circle just to watch all the bad stuff happen to you. You really have to be selective on who you let in your circle. Also, in any situation in life you get out of it what you put into it. If you put crap into it, you cannot expect beautiful roses. After all, if you don’t want to put cheap gas in your car so why put something cheap in your life.
Who would you compare your writing style to?
Oh gosh, so many people inspire me. If I had to pick, I would say I am probably a cross between Zane, Walter Mosely, and E. Lynn Harris. Part of a collaboration of those three put together are my favorites.
What can we expect from Author TJ Rose in 2015?
Well you can definitely expect me to finish out my I Should’ve Cheated series. So, I am looking to have part-2 done before we get too far into the summer around June time frame. Part 3 will be done probably around Labor Day. I am definitely going to finish out that series. Time permitting, I may introduce my new series to readers. I also have several appearances coming up. I am going to be at the Sistah’s on Lit Book Festival in Washington, in May, The 2015 AAMBC Awards in Atlanta in June, at Harlem Book Fair in New York in July, at the African American Author’s Expo in Baltimore in August, at the Black Writers & Book Club Literacy Festival in Memphis in September, and back in Baltimore for the African American Book Festival in October.
How can our audience find out more about you?
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. The best way to get information about me is on my website at www.authortjrose.com. I update it at least twice a week. I will have my appearances listed and any interviews that I am doing. My press releases are on my website.
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/AuthorTJRose
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/TJRose_Author
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/TJrose_Author
Photo Credits: Courtesy of Author TJ Rose
check out her novel.