It was a pleasure to talk with Mary Moss, who is no stranger to Sistah’s Place. In her book, Woman At the Well tells the story of the Samaritan Woman and Jesus. The book is broken out by Searches God’s Grace, Discover God’s Amazing Grace, and Relies upon God’s sufficient Grace. One might find it ironic how we can take her books and relate to the current conditions of the world dealing with COVID-19.
I remember this story being taught in bible study and preached by my pastor. The story in the bible deals with a woman who is shunned by her community, and if you dig deeper, the story tells you a lot about Jesus’s character. When I think about Mary’s story of Woman at the Well, it makes you think about every person during this pandemic time. Many are looking for God’s Grace, some are discovering him for the first time, and others know that His Grace is sufficient. Are you thirsty for God? Do you find yourself at the Well? Where are you placing your faith and time during the Stay At Home orders by each state Governor? In a time like this, we all should be like the Woman at the Well.
What about the Woman with the Alabaster Jar? Mary wrote this book when she was dealing with grief after the passing of her mom. She had to deal with that in her unique way, and God had to deal with her. God has a way of making us face our truths and believe in his word. What is your grief that you need to deal with today? Is it a loss of a job? Is it the ending of a relationship that God told you no in the first place? What are you grieving about that you have not turned over to God?
Listen to my interview with Mary Moss and let me know your thoughts. What did you take away from this interview? Click the link below to listen to our interview on YouTube.