This week’s author spotlight on Sistah’s Place is with A.J. Park. Her book is titled War’s Ending available on Amazon. AJ is the winner of the Gold Medal for Young Adult Fiction FAPA Presidents book awards 2020. AJ will give you the opportunity to learn a little about her and what inspired her journey to become a writer. Sit back and enjoy our author spotlight Q&A with A.J. Park.

Who is A.J. Park?
I am from Northern Utah, and I love living near the mountains. There’s something about climbing mountains that calls to me. I go hiking or snowshoeing nearly every week of the year. The highest mountain that I’ve climbed so far was the Grand Teton, in Wyoming, at 13,775ft. It was an amazing adventure! I am happily married, with three daughters. I also love to build furniture. I know these are a strange combination of interests. What can I say? I’m quirky.
What was it that made you decide to write a book?
I was about ten when I decided that writing a book would be amazing. I got started right away, but after a page, I wasn’t sure how to continue. I tried again as a teenager, and I managed to produce a book-length first draft. I kept at it. I have always felt compelled to tell stories, and I love it. I kept writing, on and off, as life happened, and it was nearly 30 years before everything came together and I published War’s Ending.
What inspired your book title?
My genre is YA Fantasy. My book title is taken from the concept of the story. I created two fictitious cultures that were trapped in conflict. The point of the story was their efforts to resolve their issues and stop the fighting.
Without giving too much away, tell us what Ending War‘s is about?
The story focuses on two main characters, one who belongs to each side of the war. They get to know each other, and let go of their prejudices, and realize the value and worth in each other’s culture. With this understanding, they seek a solution. But stopping a war is no easy task, and they come to realize that there are those with powerful interests in prolonging the conflict.
Is there a message you like readers to walk away with after reading War’s Ending?
I hope readers walk away with the message that understanding between people is worth working for. And I hope they walk away having enjoyed the journey with my characters.
What makes your book stand out from all the rest in your genre?
My book stands out in my genre because of the quality of the writing and editing, the characters and because it has a very satisfying ending. It also ends on a positive note, which lots of books don’t. I also strive to keep the content appropriate for young people, because I think that’s very important. I want to be comfortable having my own daughters read my work.
Will there be more books from you?
There are several more books in my plans! I am working on a sequel to War’s Ending, as well as another unrelated fantasy story. I have a couple of additional projects waiting in the wings. I’m excited to share my work, and connect with more readers.
Are you intrigued to learn more about AJ Parks? Visit her website and following her on social media to stay in the what’s happening with AJ Parks. Her award wining book is available on Amazon. Are you ready to get your copy?
Thank you so much! I’m honored to be spotlighted on Sistah’s Place! Keep up the great work!