We hear this all the time from our pastors, parents, and mentors about believing in ourselves to be of greatness that rises above all obstacles that life has placed within our paths. When you believe in yourself the possibilities greatness of you dreams are endless. Many times we run into people that distract us from being great because they are not walking in their purpose. Sometimes we accept the position of complacent and contentment based on our surroundings and the company we keep. We have to rise above the fears and remove the distractions that cross our paths so that we become our greatest self. Your journey’s triumphs will override life’s obstacles with much greatness because of your faith, dedication, trust, hard work, and belief in God’s promise for your life.
3 Motivational tips to Believe in Greatness that is within You
1. Believe in Greatness- simply means start believing that you are already great. One must think it and allow the greatness in you to manifest itself in your mind, heart, and spirit. Do no accept anything less that greatness. One of royalty does not accept mediocrity.
2. Walk in Greatness-means you must walk with those doing great works, great projects, and a great service to man. You were created in God’s eyes with greatness already inside you.
Do great service-means that you are not selfish with your blessings for you share experience, knowledge, wisdom, and advice. The great services is beneficial to the next dream chaser to motivate, aspire, and encourage him or her to do great service in their craft.
3. Believing in greatness for yourself means also aspiring greatness from those around you. You are the author of your story and how you decide to write that story is up to you. A man with big dreams and a vision dedicated to his purpose aspires to greatness not just within himself but in others around him.
Are you believing in greatness today? Are you inspiring others?
Great article ……… very inspirational. Love the motivational tips.
Thanks Jeanee