Do you have life insurance? It’s not as expensive as you might think. Our special guest Juliet Marie McElwee is a broker specializing in Life Insurance. She drops a wealth of knowledge for our listeners last week on Sistah’s Conversations Podcast. So grab your notepad, pen, and write down questions to ask Juliet by clicking her website linked to scheduling a call with her after listening to the podcast show at https://www.julieknows.com/

Juliet-Marie McElwee
Health, Life and Retirement Consultant
Do you have a trust set up? PIllara will dive into more detail about setting up a trust. Key fact: When you set up a trust make sure you have assets to add to the trust. Don’t create the trust without having assets or investments associated with it. Visit Pillara’ss website to learn more about Trust, Wills, and various Power of Attorney products. Visit https://www.hendersonsmithlaw.com/
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