Everything isn’t always peaches and cream. It’s not always what it seems.
I’m an entrepreneur and anyone who’s like me knows the work that it takes to make a business run and run successfully. There’s long days and nights, struggles, failures, successes, and constant challenges. This is my map, but I wouldn’t chart course in any other direction.
I’m more focused than I’ve ever been to succeed and walk into all the blessings God has in store for my life. I want to build my business and leave my mark. I’ve come a long way from where I started. When I look back over the three years that I’ve been building my business, I see how God has blessed me by opening doors and gifting me with things I never saw myself doing. I have grown as a person, I have matured spiritually, and I’ve found my purpose.
2017 had many ups and downs for me and I was happy to close that book and start writing a new one. 2018 – January, Chapter 1: “Thank You Lord for Delivering Me”. February, Chapter 2: “Your Hand I Hold, You’ll Never Forsake Me”.
As a black female entrepreneur, I am blessed by all the other black female entrepreneurs who came before me. They paved the way for me to be able to do what it is I do. Thank you, Madam C.J. Walker for your vision, drive, and business ethics during a time when it was unheard of for a woman to own a business and especially a black woman. You never gave up. It’s the legacy she left that motivates me and our connection of having the same birthday (month and day) makes her one of my Shero’s.
2018 needs to be filled with more black female entrepreneurs. If we work together, we can move mountains. Let the spirit of Madam C.J. Walker see how far we’ve come as a people. Let’s help and educate others. Let’s build communities together. Let’s stand up, show up, and build up! Brother and Sisters, let’s make 2018 a year of moving forward in the black communities where we work together – not against.
Let’s believe in one goal amongst ourselves to reach – “Unity”. Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with. Each one, reaches one. As we embrace our black history, I will continue taking steps in the right direction and I will continue giving back and opening doors for others. Will you?
Cindy H. Reed
Contributing Writer
Cindy H. Reed was born in Brooklyn, New York; raised in Amityville, Long Island, New York. She’s published in three anthologies located in the National Library of Congress. Diamonds and Pearls – 1997, Best Poems of 1998, and Timeless Voices – 2006. In 2014, she was the featured reader of one of her writings at the “FCAC Literary Expo” in Washington, DC. She’s a published Author with her first book featured on Amazon Kindle. Cindy is the proud owner of Cindy’s Simple Pleasures, LLC, Petals by Cindy, LLC, Creations by Cindy’s Hands, and Second Time Around. She is an inventor in Patent Pending status. She’s a Blogger for “Simply Cindy” blog and a licensed Insurance Sales Agent in the States of Virginia and Maryland. She is a Better Life Consultant & Founding Member of Sheagocosmetics. She is a Mother of two.
Blog name: Simply Cindy
Thank you for bringing some of us together!
Here’s to the “chapters” in your new book!
Val and Bridget,
Thank you very much for your comments! 🙂 Much appreciated.