Exclusive interview with Queen Sabriena Williams discuss her latest novel Royal Word of Encouragement: Volume I and Are you a D.I.V.A?
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Queen Sabriena Williams to discuss her latest novel Royal Word of Encouragement: Volume I and her upcoming novel Are You a D.I.V.A? The wonderful words of encouragement started out as Facebook posts of encouragement to women. Queen Sabriena Williams is an excellent example of a woman doing God’s work through her ministry. She gives hope, encouragement, and motivation to women by using her gifts as a writer.
Tell us about Royal Word of Encouragement: Volume I.
A Royal Word of Encouragement is a book that is a collection of encouragement. It started out as Facebook posts. Every day I would give different women royal words of encouragement. One particular day, one of the ladies that I was encouraging asked me “When is this going to become a book?” I was like, oh wow. I am not really sure if God wants this to be a book. This was just my way of encouraging my royal listeners and royal readers. She said, I really feel like this should be a book. So, I just started collecting the different royal words of encouragements that I had did for about a year or so before publishing the book. It’s just a collection of words of encouragement that I was given to my royal readers on a daily basis.
What inspired you to write the novel and how did you choose the title?
The title came from my ministry of Queen Vision Ministry. My blogging was like a royal word of encouragement. Every day, I would reach out to about 50-100 women via Facebook to their inbox words of encouragement. That was the inspiration behind it and it was basically to encourage women. To give hope into the lives of women. I know we as women are facing many issues that we don’t have a chance to talk about or get off our chest. I was basically encouraging them on things that I knew was dear to my heart and dear to the heat of other women that I was connected to.
What is it that you hope your readers will take away from A Royal Word of Encouragement: Volume I?
I want them to be inspired. First of all, I want them to know whatever situation that they are in or whatever phase in their life to know that there is hope. To know that there is life outside of their circumstances. I like for them to take away from that, If God allowed me to operate in my gift and my gift is writing. If God allowed me to do it, then they can walk in their gift as well. Even though they may be going through different seasons or maybe experiencing different things. For them to know, God can still use them. God can still walk with them through the valley that they are in. I think what we need sometimes is somebody to help lift us up and encourage us. To be our sister’s keeper.
What’s on your horizon for the rest of the year 2015?
I am releasing my 6th book in about two weeks. It’s called Are you a D.I.V.A? The acronym stands for are you a devoted inspired vessel anointed to serve God. When we look at the word diva, we automatically think about the secular definition of a diva. Someone who is well versed in music in either in music, or someone with a specific image. What does God say about us being a D.I.V.A? What I am going to be doing is launching that book and going out doing book talks, book signing, and taking a different platform with “diva-ism” is what I call it. There is much on my plate and it’s all for the kingdom.
Book Cover Credits: Courtesy of Queen Sabriena Williams
What words of encouragement do you have for women today struggling with finding their place, self-identity, and purpose?
What I would say to women who are struggling? First, get a relationship with Christ and know who you are. When you have a relationship with Christ, it makes all the difference in the world to help you understand who you are, what your purpose is, and what you were created to do? When we can answer these key questions: do you have a relationship with God, Do you know what your purpose is, and do you know who you are as a person? If you can check off those three things and wrap your world around Christ in purpose.
Then you will find that everything else around you will become clearer (Family, jobs, relationships). It’s very difficult when you don’t know who you are, why you were created, and when you don’t have a relationship with Christ. I would encourage my queens to develop your relationship with Christ. Cultivate it, nourish it, and develop it so that you can walk in the other areas of your life with fulfillment.
You can be inspired to follow your dreams and tap into your gift. Pick up Royal Words of Encouragement Volume I and Are you a D.I.V.A? You can read more about Queen Sabriena Williams by connecting with her on Social media at:
Photo Credits: Picture Courtesy of Queen Sabriena Williams
She launched her first novel from her inspirational Facebook posts.