As a fashion enthusiast and freelance writer, it’s my duty to use my online platform to help women love and adore who they are on the inside. On my blog JustNatonya, I make it my goal to write uplifting lifestyle posts with fashion tips suitable for all body shapes to help women feel more comfortable with themselves. In addition to my blog, I run an online community on social media called SHEICONIC, which promotes body positivity by celebrating ALL stylish women. The platform is an open place highlighting the beauty in diversity and showcasing different styles and how all women are the definition of fashion.
What makes me a phenomenal woman? I thoroughly enjoy helping people and one of my favorite ways is to inspire women on social media. Everything I publish online has a purpose, no post is left with an empty message. When I upload a selfie of me, it’s for a specific reason. I use my beauty with purpose by sharing my body confidence to help women embrace their bodies too.
Aside from fashion and writing, I like spending time with my family by going to the movies and cooking them dinner. I enjoy studying my Bible and reading Vogue or Porter magazines. To keep my creative juices flowing I like to DIY natural hair products, paly with my camera, dance, listening to different music genres, try new restaurants and cultural dishes.

Social Media/Links
Blog: https://justnatonya.wordpress.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustNatonya
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justnatonya/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/justnatonya/
Bloglovin’: https://www.bloglovin.com/@justnatonya
URSTYLE: https://urstyle.com/user/justnatonya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheiconicstyle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sheiconic/