A Grandmother’s testimony to stand in prayer and trust God’s will for healing and deliverance. Hi my name is Valecia Carter, I am a Wife, a Mother, a Grandmother, and I am a full-time employee of the Milwaukee Public School System. My husband Walter and I have been caring for our grandson Jewell since he was 4 months old.
Prior to his birth the doctor informed us that Jewell most likely would not make it because he wasn’t due to be born until April. However, it was the beginning of January that the God I serve did not tell me he would not make it. So we activated our faith and trusted in God’s word that he will never leave us nor forsake us.
We prayed as a family before the doctors took our daughter Vanessa back for surgery on Thursday, January 7, 2016. Jewell Donyae Gonzales was born weighing 1lb 4.8oz and 11 inches in length. Since his birth Jewell had been under the care of several doctors at Children’s Hospital that included: a Cardiologist (his heart Doctor), a Pulmonary Specialist (his lung doctor), an Audiologist (his hearing doctor) because he had fluid behind his ears, an Otolaryngologist [oto larin gologist] (his ENT Specialist) because he had tubes placed in his ears surgically, an Optometrist (his eye Doctor) he had two eye surgeries, his Neonatal Development Team, his care works team, and his Primary Care Physician. Who said God can’t work a miracle? One must know the personal relationship that I have with the God I serve that walked every step and took every breath with my grandson.
Currently Jewell has beaten the odds and now only sees his Primary Care Physician, his Pulmonary Specialist, Otolaryngologist, and Optometrist quarterly. I was asked by the Vice President of Community Engagement to be the Spokesperson for the Birth to Three Program with Easterseals of Southeast Wisconsin at their Annual Celebration of Children’s Gala to share my story about our grandson Jewell and the successful experiences we have had working with the program. The event took place at the Elegant Marriott Milwaukee West Hotel in Waukesha, WI on November 9, 2017 and it was amazing. We have been part of the Easterseals of Southeast Wisconsin family in their Birth to Three Program for over a year and being part of this program has been such an awesome blessing and great help for Jewell, myself, and Walter. They have provided us with the necessary services that have helped in the growth and development of our precious Grand baby!
Back in November of 2016 his Pulmonary Specialist took him completely off of Oxygen and he continued to be relieved of certain medications, medical specialists, and medical teams throughout his progression as he continues on his health and wellness journey. Jewell will begin services with a Speech Therapist with Easter Seals in the near future. I look forward to great success with the next steps in Jewell’s wellness journey. I encourage anyone who cares about children and their wellbeing to support Easterseals in their endeavors to help children grow and develop for a healthy long life.
I thank Easterseals for all of their dedication, love, and concern in the health and wellness of not only Jewell, but of all the other children and families that they have helped and are currently helping! Visit their website today and learn how they can help your family or how you can help them.
Our God is awesome!
That’s so awesome they are beautiful and amazing Grandparents they are also my brother and sister in Christ
That’s so awesome they are beautiful and amazing Grandparents they are also my brother and sister in Christ
Thank you Jeanee.
Thank you for reading.
Yes, God is truly Awesome and I am so thankful! Tha m’s for your comment Jeanee and Rhonda