We celebrate and salute Talonda Davis. She is the owner of Creative Touch Massage Therapy located in Oak Park, Illinois. She is passionate about what she does. A small business owner with a big heart and blessed hands that helps to improve customers health.
Read more about Talonda in Sistah’s Place latest print issue available on MagCloud at http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1583108 andin digital on Issuu Publications at https://issuu.com/sistahsplace/docs/march-april_final_upload
Interview Excertp:
“Because clinical massage therapy is Talonda’s ministry, she doesn’t just touch clients physically; she touches them mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She makes it a priority to ensure that every person who enters Creative Touch feels comfortable, and lets them know everything about their health and wellness matters to her. “
Visit Creative Touch Massage Therapy in Oak Park, Illinois today. You will be blessed. https://ctmtherapy.com/

Congratulations Talonda, all the seeds you have sown is starting to sprout up. You are good at what you do and your blessing is on the way. Love you your assistant and friend G4L.