Get To know Selena Haskins

Selena Haskins

Hello Everyone,

I’m Selena Haskins. I’m a native Washingtonian who enjoys reading, writing, music, movies, and spending time with my family. As a kid, I’ve always had a vivid imagination. People probably thought I was a little crazy when they would see me talking aloud in different voices with my make-believe friends. Little did they know, I would grow up to become a writer.  

Today, I enjoy writing historical fiction, family saga, and romance novels. When I say “historical” fiction, I surely don’t mean “textbook” boring. I write stories with settings that take place in the past. For instance, my first book, A River Moves Forward is historical fiction. The setting takes place during the 1970s in Chicago. I was inspired by the movies Cooley High and Claudine. After receiving nearly 60 favorable reviews, I penned a sequel, Riding the Waves-the Price of Fortune and Fame, which picks up with a second generation during the 80s and 90s.

My latest novel Yesterday Was a Long Time Ago, is a college romance loosely based on my own college experiences. Some of the poetry within the novel led me to put together a collection of poems I had written through the years, Poetry from the Colors of My Mind. To my surprise, the collection ranked #1 on Amazon for an entire summer.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to write for Sistah’s Place Magazine. Contributing articles have led to opportunities for speaking engagements within my community. It is not only important for me to expand my audience but to reach the hearts of people. Sistah’s Place Magazine helps me to do that. I invite you to subscribe today. We not only discuss women’s issues but concerns within our overall communities.

I would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to connect with me on social media: 




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