Happy Mother’s Day by Aja

Yours is the first face I can remember and I admired and thought was beautiful. Your voice was the first to comfort me and tell me I could be whatever I wanted to be.

Your words were and are the truth and have advised me through some of life’s most interesting and perplexing puzzles. Your touch stroked my head just right and rubbed my back during times I needed soothing. It put me to sleep, it brought me to peace.

 Your music is my soundtrack and was my teacher. Bob Marley still provides me with answers to life’s mysteries. Your humor lightened the load when it got too heavy. Your brilliance amazed me and made me aware of what women could do whether they chose to pursue it or not.

 Just knowing that we were capable and built for anything was inspiring. Your creativity astounded me, and it was the first time I realized there was an artist in my life, hidden behind a typewriter where you created memos and wrote grants for an organization. Your strength in the toughest times, silent but unbroken is what brings me hope that I can survive anything that comes my way because you can, you did and you will.

I love you, Mommy.  Happy Mother’s Day.


-Aja ht G

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