Move Forward BY Aretha “Ms Respect” Tatum

Move Forward

We have all made mistakes in the past that we wish we could erase. Each of us has done things that we are ashamed of or things that hurt others, which we allow to haunt us over and over again. Sometimes we allow a missed opportunity to taunt us and we can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if only we had done this or that.

Life is an ongoing journey. The good, the bad, the mistakes and the missed opportunities are part of the journey. We will not always “get it right”. Each morning that God blesses us to rise is another opportunity to be great. It is time to close the door to your past for good and move forward.

 When I say close the door to your past I don’t mean you have to forget it. It should remind you to make better decisions in the future. What you should do is “forgive it”. What I mean is to stop constantly condemning yourself over what you did or did not do. There is freedom in forgiving yourself. Without forgiveness you are bound to your past and it makes it difficult to move forward.

 Another key thing in moving forward is not allowing others to keep pulling us back to our past mistakes. God is a forgiving God and if He has forgiven you then no one else has the right to keep reminding you of your past.

You have to see your future as greater than yesterday. Each day you should expect to be better than the day before.  Move forward believing that in spite of the fact that yesterday, last week, last month or even last year was not the best, today, tomorrow and the rest of your life will be great.

 Your past is now closed and today is now open for business so move forward!   

MoveAretha Tatum is the author of the award-winning book The Problem with Jesus and The Wonderful Counselor- My Sheep Hear My Voice. Follow her on social media to learn more about her.

IG: @MsRespect1

Twitter: @MsRespect1

YouTube: Ms Respect Speaks – Aretha Tatum