New Author Spotlight: Interview with Sabrina S. Bordley

Sabrina Bordely

Sistah’s Place is giving back to our literary world with weekly spotlight features for new authors. This week’s Author spotlight feature is with Sabrina S. Bordley. She talks with us about her newest release, Milk Money. Sit back get your cup of tea and get to know a little about our author of the week Q&A

Tell us about who the author is. 

SB: I am a wife, a mother, and a serial entrepreneur. I am a lover and a fighter for the things that I cherish. I am a motivator, encourager, and a Minister. I am simply me, Sabrina B.

What was it that made you decide to write a book?

 SB: I knew that there was a story in me, but I just didn’t’ know what kind. So one day, I just decided to start writing, and from there, I birthed my first book. It took me three years to complete as I would start and stop due to fear that it would not be reader worthy. I stop for about a year and a half, picked it back up, and completed it in a few months.

What inspired your book title, and is this fiction or non-fiction?

SB:  My book is truth in fiction; it contains a little about my life as a child and a few fantasy ideals that I enjoy. I titled the book, Milk Money, simply because my mom used to always make sure I had enough money for milk when I was younger.

Without giving too much away, tell us what your story is about.

SB: Four main characters are all connected but don’t to this realization until many years later. A book of love and money, or the love of money?

Is there a message you like readers to walk away with after reading your book?

SB: Milk Money exudes experience, life lessons, love, and the loss of love. After reading this complication I want each reader to leave with a clear perception that the imagination can be a very eventful ideal. I can’t wait to read the sequel, which is on the way.

What makes your book stand out from all the rest in your genre?

SB: The rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and lows, keeps you wanting more.

What’s next for you as an author?  Will there be more books?

SB: The next book will be entitled, Lunch Money! And as soon as get the release to finish this one, that will be all that I need and my journey will be complete.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

SB: I really don’t have a favorite author as I read of a plethora of different genres.

You can learn more about this week’s author by visiting her website below clicking the link and be sure to follow her on social media to stay on top of her upcoming projects.

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