Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
I lost my father on July 7, 2016. It was a very difficult time in my life. I literally watched my physically strong father wither away bed ridden with cancer. He suffered and was in chronic pain from the dreaded disease. Yet until the end, he held on to his dignity. Yes cancer may have taken his life, but it never took his dignity.
My father was the life of any party and truly lived his life to the fullest. He was admired by many and was very well known in the community. If it’s true that you live your funeral, then he truly lived a beautiful life. Many came from far and near to celebrate this man known to me as Dad.
I was told the bright side to cancer was the ability to have time to get your personal affairs in order before your death. I tried to see the beauty in that, but every day my heart was being chipped away. You never know hurt and pain until you watch someone you love suffer and there is nothing you can do about it. I had to do that for months, and it hurt like hell.
The last time I saw my father alive was the 4th of July. I remember he was sitting on the side of his hospital bed at the VA eating watermelon. He laid down and motioned for me. He took my hand and kissed it. No words were needed. So much was said without uttering a single word. It was the last time I saw my father alive.
Many of us smile through our tears and we have no idea how we will survive without our loved ones. It’s cliché that time heals all wounds. I will just say time takes away the sting, but never the hurt of losing someone you love.
Losing someone you love is tough, but you can get through this. It takes time and it is a process. Feel free to express your feelings and not internalize your grief. Do not allow others to dictate when you should be over your grieving period. No two people are alike, and we all move at our own pace.
Acceptance will probably be the hardest part coping with a loved one’s death. So many emotions are attached to the loss of a loved one. Although difficult to think about, you must try to resume your normal daily activities.
Seek grief counseling if you feel that you truly can’t see how to move forward. It’s okay to seek professional counseling to help you deal with such loss. Professionals are readily available to help you move forward when you can’t do it alone.
Death can never take away loving memories of loved ones. Our memories become treasures of the heart where they live forever.
About Writer
Meet our guest writer Jeanee Patton. She is the business owner of Kennedy’s Sweet Tooth. She is a wife and mother of two beautiful children residing in suburbs outside of Atlanta, GA. Jeanee is passionate about her gifts and talents. Learn more about her by following her on social Media in the links below.
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@brownsugarcaker – twitter
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