Author Spotlight with Tawanna Marsh

Tawanna Marsh

We are keeping the energy going with our new author spotlight. This week our new author is Tawanna Marsh. She talks about her debut novel Trust: The Novel. Tawanna takes you on a journey to get to know a little about herself and why she became a writer. Please sit back and enjoy our author spotlight Q&A with new author Tawanna Marsh.

Tell us a little about yourself Tawanna:

I am author and entrepreneur Tawanna Marsh, an astronomy science nerd who loves to ride motorcycles. Running is my personal healer for all things mental and physical, and dancing is an obsession.

I prefer anything outdoors over smokey stuffy rooms and love to cook so much that writing a new cookbook is definitely on my bucket list of must-dos before the great transition into the spirit realm. I am from the American southwest state of Texas and am a non-controlling mother of three highly energetic, competitive, and ambitious young adults.

What was it that made you decide to write your book Trust: The Novel?

I’ve been an avid reader all my life, the gift was given to me by my father’s mother and her daughters. Storytellers are special people. They can transport readers to another time and space with their words. I was hooked at an early age when I noticed its captivating qualities. I have fond memories as a little girl of attending sleepover parties and listening to scary stories in the dark underneath a blanket while someone flickered a flashlight.

The simultaneous jump-scare gasp/scream when the story climaxed was always a highlight of the party. Those enthralling moments, and some real-life ones too, stuck with me, and I must say influenced me to become quite the storyteller that I am today.

What was the inspiration for your book title?

The “TRUST, The Novel” fictional trilogy series was totally inspired by the euphoria of falling in love.

Without giving too much away, tell us a little about your story:

“TRUST, The Novel” is about a woman who decided to fight for a marriage that seemed over. Her fight is unconventional and very iffy and doesn’t make sense to her or her loved ones but she is determined to fight for what she believes belongs to her and only her.

Is there a message you would like readers to take away after reading Trust: The Novel?

I wrote the book to encourage youngsters who still believe in marriage and real love to keep believing; that experiencing ”the real” is still very much possible, but not without sore and sacrificial courage.

What makes your story stand out from all the others in your genre?

The fact that it doesn’t fit inside one specific genre at all. “TRUST, The Novel” is part erotica, part drama, part romance, and part Christian.

What is next for you as an author and will there be more books?

Yes, many many more books of both fiction and non-fiction. Stay tuned!

Who are some of your favorites authors and why?

BeBe Moore Campbell- for her candid yet intelligent sense of humor, Nora Ephron – for her romantic warm and fuzzies, and Toni Morrison – for her unapologetic fierce truth-telling, and black sister girl neck rolling in-your-face-isms.

Learn more about who Tawanna Marsh is by connecting with her on social media and visiting her website. Her book Trust: The Novel is available everywhere books are sold.

Where to connect with Twanna?

FB – @AuthorTawannaMarsh

IG – @authortawannamarsh

Twitter – @trustthenovel

Where can you learn more about her?

She has two websites for you to visit at and