New Author Spotlight with Candace Okin

Candace Okin
Houston, TX

This week’s author spotlight on Sistah’s Place is with Candace Okin. Her book is titled Mason Makes Money available on Amazon. Candace gives you the opportunity to learn a little about her and what inspired her journey to become a writer. Please sit back and enjoy our author spotlight Q&A with Candace Okin.

Tell us who is Candace Orkin

I’m Candace Okin! I am a writer that is driven by a mission to encourage reading and writing in children through the creation of literary works that aim to ignite curiosity, creativity and excitement through the reading process. A Dallas native, I’ve since planted roots in Houston after earning a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Texas Southern University, a Masters in Psychology from Houston Baptist University.

I’m inspired by a desire to engage children through imaginative literature, and to use my work to highlight practical life skills against the backdrop of the strength and immensity of Black History and culture. My goal is to educate youth while encouraging a sense of wonder, self-worth and purpose through the limitlessness of the arts, history and language.

What was it that made you write a book?

The written word has always been a voice that was most comfortable to me. I’ve been a writer in various capacities for my entire life, and entire professional career. Writing a book seemed like something that I was always destined to do.

The concept for Mason Makes Money specifically came to me in 2019. After losing my job, I was immediately conscious of how my response to financial hardship would not only directly affect my son, but how it might indirectly teach him about how to handle money matters. Though he was incredibly young at the time, I understood it to be an opportunity to build a healthy basis for his future relationship with money, and I wanted to rise to that as best as I could. In doing so, I realized how many children do not have that kind of support, so I wanted to approach this effort in a way in which other children could receive and utilize that information to their benefit as well.

What inspired your book title Mason Makes Money?

My son is the inspiration of title; I thought that the title featuring his name and the alliteration used was a catchy, yet perfect reflection of this inspiration, and  of the book’s overall concept. I call this an instructional tale; it is fiction with real-life concepts as the focus.

Without giving too much away, tell us what your story is about.

Mason Makes Money is about a young boy who wants to help a friend in need, so he builds a business to generate money for her. In doing so, he must understand what it means to be an entrepreneur and how to manage money.

Is thee a message you like readers to take away after reading Mason Makes Money?

There are three main points I want for readers to take away from Mason Makes Money: The power of choices, that saving and budgeting are not just concepts for managing a business but for life as well, and finally to be a good person. I say that last point because as you’ll find in the book, Mason’s initial purpose for starting his own business is to generate money to help a friend in need. These are all ideas I’m actively working to instill in own my son.

What makes your book stand out from all the rest in your genre?

What makes Mason Makes Money stand apart from other children’s book is that it is one component in a multi-functional effort to expose children to entrepreneurship as a viable career pathway, and to highlight financial education.  

In addition to Mason Makes Money, kids can go to Mason’s website which is attached to mine for additional resources, including a My First Budget sheet and a My First Business Plan template. Mason writes a blog every other week which discusses entrepreneurship and money management. Lastly, a portion of the sales from Mason Makes Money will go toward funding the entrepreneurial efforts of kidpreneurs, ages seven through 13.

Learn more about Candace Okin by visiting her website and following her on social media. Parents, it’s a great time to teach your children about entrepreneurship from a child’s perspective. Mason Makes Money is available everywhere books are sold and via the Paypal link below.

Website and Social Media

Website: www.candaceokin.comSocial mediaInstagram: @Candace.OkinFacebook: @Candace Okin
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